Organic strawberry preserve (300 grams)
Product information: Chances are that you're still not as straw-berried as I'm getting and will be for the next couple months 😁
I make this and other preserves every year when fruits are in season because well, these form the flavours of all your cakes :) A 100% organic fruit product, this preserve contains only 20-30% organic cane sugar vis-a-vis almost 100-150% sugar content in traditional jams. The strawberry content in this preserve is a whopping 75-80%, the balance being made up by sugar. This jam does not contain any added pectin, preservatives, chemicals or jelling agents.
Ingredients: Organic strawberry, Organic cane sugar, lemon.
Storage and handling: The product should be stored in the refrigerator at all times.
Shelf Life: 3-6 months if refrigerated.
Product weight: 300 grams
Packaging: Glass jar
Shipping: Available at an additional